China Riots Spreading - No End in Sight
All eyes are on this developing situation for several reasons. Or at least - the eyes that understand how crucial this situation is for world stability.
The China riots are a huge story - something we should keep our eye on and not let distractions cause us to lose sight of what’s happening on the other side of the globe. Because the mainstream media matrix isn’t spending much time on it - the situation has grown so big they cannot completely ignore it, but their coverage is still pathetic - news scrutators are forced to proactively seek the information on our own.
Here is some of the latest video footage:
One of the infamous “quarantine camps” appears to be burning…
In case you haven’t seen this yet - China has built “hundreds” of these “quarantine camps” all around their nation.

Here are some China stormtroopers trying to hold their lockdowns in place and failing.

Can you believe the hubris of this guy? What a hypocritical gaslighter:

A PCR testing kiosk gets destroyed by rioters:

Here we see a China lockdown looking like a 2020 U.S. lockdown — rioters everywhere. The only difference is the Chinese people want to defund the CCP:

We cannot ignore this story. China’s economy is 30% of the global GDP. They also possess nuclear weapons.
The insane “no covid policy” the government was imposing was already hurting their economy—and it’s why the people are now conducting an unprecedented protests. No protests this large have occurred in China since the CCP took power in 1949. Tiananmen Square protests did not spread beyond that area. In fact, most of the Chinese people at that time did not know that Tiananmen Square happened till the following school year when it was talked about in schools (with a tidy CCP narrative, for sure.)
What caused this powder keg to blow was an apartment fire over our Thanksgiving weekend — 10 people burned to death because the apartments had been welded shut by authorities to keep people inside. This grotesque level of control is something the CCP has been practicing since 2020—and it finally came back to bite them.
Could this be a revolution leading to the end of the Chinese Communist Party?
Let’s continue to follow this - Balenciaga is compelling but not nearly has important.
I’ll close with one of the wildest videos I’ve seen so far:

Why are so many of these idiots wearing masks?
You have inspired me to write my today's article! :)