
It's also frustrating to see so many in the paranoid "truth movement" reflexively adding this film and its supporters to the ever-growing list of "controlled opposition"/people just too gullible to see what's "really going on."

Keep fighting, my friend. Follow your heart.

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Absolutely, Mickey! There are some people who are completely paranoid—what we call “black pilled”, and at times it gets ridiculous. I don’t care that Caveziel was asked in a photo shoot to cover one eye with his hand—the guy is not “controlled opps.” Neither is Gibson.

I forget to mention another hero in this story—Angel Studios. They raised the money to distribute this film. They are a huge ally in our cause for Truth!

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I simply can't understand why everyone doesn't recognize (as I do) that Mel Gibson killed Jack Ruby and Angel Studios is clearly funded by aliens.

But seriously, allies take many forms and will often differ from us at times. But it's not "awakened" to see the gray areas in the world. Hence, we're watching Substack rapidly devolve into Facebook.

Thanks, Matthieu!

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Your first sentence. 😄 😁

But I'm seeing the crazy black pill stuff on mostly Facebook, not Substack. Unless you are talking about in comments. LOL Yeah, that's where the craziness can be found.

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My son was trafficked by the elites and I've been harassed and had my entire life ruined for speaking out. Unless you understand how this system truly works, you won't understand this stance to wake people up to the next level we are taking my calling this movie out as a psyops.

Rather than defending my point, I will say that I spend most of my time confronting the charities who are clearly set up and funded by the elites to hid their crimes. Before I even knew about this movie, I already had questioned OUR as I can spot a mile away which charities are involved and which are not. This comes from years of not only healing in reputable trauma charities, but being horrifically abused by these charities to cover up their crimes.

I'm working on exposing one of the major trafficking children help lines right now for having the WHO sexual education guidance on their website that promotes kids as young as 4 learning consent and to pleasure their body. For me, it's not even worth trying to share the links as so many people get angry with me, like you have expressed. It's easier for me to confront them head on, as my journey is quite real and it's hard for them to deny listening to my concerns. However, it is always met with silence, and worse bank and medical fraud or some other way to attempt to make me fear them, like criminal investigations.

I would say the people not looking into this as controlled opposition are the gullible ones.

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I'm not saying the movies message is not important - I'm just saying that the people raising awareness of the depth of the problem, are not the problem. And unless we see it as a problem, it will not be solved.

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Sounds like you have a lot to write about on your 'stack. :) I'll check your work out. You might persuade me.

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Jul 13, 2023
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Some of this crap is so dumb, Teresa! There is no evidence that Ballard is a pedophile—yet people see that and run with it.

Some people just want to believe that everything is hopeless so they don’t have to do anything. It’s pathetic.

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And how much of this embarrassingly bad defeatist schlock is being intentionally put out there by hired schlubs working out of their parent's basement?

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Me too! 😂😁

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Yup!! I am with you! And I’m putting Tim Ballard’s Operation Underground Railroad - https://ourrescue.org -on my monthly auto-donation list! Thanks for spreading the word. I agree with all you said; Mickey, too. The more we shine a bright light on darkness, the shadows will have to recede.☀️🙏🔥

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There are a lot better charities out there and you should make sure you look into all the people, like Tony Robbins before you donate. I've lost the energy to share, but please do your research. He's worth 17 million dollars and I wonder how much actually goes to the recovery of children. We haven't had one interview from a survivor yet and that says a lot to me

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Robbins is only worth $17 million?

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I haven't watched the Sound of Freedom but the topic is not far off my last one on https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-fbis-war-on-moms, following from https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/pedo-sadists-and-a-call-for-help. I've been surprised that they've gotten fewer views and comments than any others. But I do understand the feeling of futility in trying to figure out what to do. I never realized what a vast interconnected network it is, involving police, sheriff offices, judges, CPS. This girl hasn't been trafficked yet but is one contraband phone away from being entirely isolated. It makes me very nervous.

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I did read your stack on that case, Teresa. Yes, Jim Caviezel is aware of what’s going on in the foster care system and I think he’s planning to put this point in the next movie on child trafficking.

Praying for that girl. Keep us posted!

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Thank you, Matthieu. I hear horrific things about the foster care system also. But in this case it's the biological father who falsified documents to get full custody and hide the kids from the mother he brutally abused for 12 yrs. I'll be seeing the mom in a couple of weeks and going through the divorce transcripts, which will all be news to her since she was never there.

I know that the mom and daughter will be appreciative of your prayers and thoughts!

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Wow, I must have missed the message. Thank you!

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Matthieu, appreciate your work and especially your fire around this righteous cause!

But… could you cover some of the major things the movie skips? Adrenochrome, the Jesuits, the Shriners and the CIA/FBI support and cover of the trade? Good start with the movie, and hopefully an awakening for many! However, it’s certainly gate keeping, whether through intent on behalf of the writers/producers/distribution companies, or the omissions had to be there to get made, it certainly leaves some massive holes in getting to the root of the problem.

It’s akin to looking at the last three years and coming away with Fauci/Pfizer bad, while overlooking every round table/think tank/central bank/three letter agency step on the pyramid who actually directed and delivered the depop shots.

Look forward to more on the subject, especially connecting the omissions in the film for your readers. God bless you, Matthieu!

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Yes, we all want to skip ahead to the end, talk about Adrenochrome and all that, but we have to start smaller. Rescue 1 child. Rescue 50 more. Get people activated to fund rescue operations. Spread the message, build the movement, stop watching the filth from Hollywood that’s in our own homes. Cut off the supply lines. God can then do the heavy lifting.

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I agree Paul, AND Daniel - I believe I heard Caveziel say in an interview he’s planning a sequel that will lead newbies into the elite connections and the adrenochrome factor.

Let’s also remember that this first movie WAS COMPLETED FIVE YEARS AGO—at time when even conspiracy trackers were just learning about adrenochrome. So, this has to be fed to people with a tablespoon, not a firehose.

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Right on, Matthieu!

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Alan! Congratulations on winning a year's subscription to News Detectives the other day. Not sure if you got my message?

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Jul 13, 2023
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Gracias, Senora.

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