What You've Missed - CNN Prediction (Told Ya), Spotify Inspection, Elon's Strange Spirituality, Big Pharma's Newsroom Takeover, & a Disturbing Sex Trafficking Story
You shoulda subscribed sooner. ;)
News content tends to be time-based with short expiration dates. However, older news articles offer useful, helpful historical information, providing context to stories circling back to our awareness. In the Archive, you can also find “aha moments” that show how we got to this point.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned the past three years—we need good long-term memory.
My subscriber base continues to grow, so I thought I’d share a few gems from the News Detectives archives for the new readers who may not realize the buffet of quality reading material that’s surprisingly evergreen and available in the Archive.
This list will not include any articles listed in the MOST POPULAR sidebar. Those are excellent choices, but they are right there on a silver platter for you.
Here are a few examples of the buried treasure available:
Back in February of 2022—News Detectives gave readers an early heads up that big changes would be coming to CNN. Many were skeptical, but here we are 15 months later and several of the network’s biggest names are gone, and they recently held a townhall meeting with Donald Trump!
Told ya!
I documented the changes in several articles along the way—this is where the CNN forecast predicted tumultuous winds from Hurricane John (Malone):
I did a deep dive into Elon Musk’s spiritual beliefs—which to me was an interesting and important topic back in November as he took over Twitter and many conservatives and even Christians were jumping on his bandwagon.
Elon continues to be a controversial figure. His recent choice of CEO troubles many people who had high hopes in what Elon was doing with Twitter.
Did you hear that Elon's Neurolink was just FDA approved?